Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Yoga Benefits

Yoga can improve your work performance.
Walk your hands forward until your forehead rests gently on the ground,Practice deep , steady inhales and exhales for about 3-5 breaths as you let go of distraction and focus on your yoga practice.
Press into your hands to round your back as if a string were pulling the middle of your back to the ceiling Drop your hand and tuck your chin to chest hugging your belly toward spine.
cow Pose_Lower your belly and lift your chest, Stay Grounded through your hands as your broaden your shoulders, Lift your gaza to look forward or up and hollowout your lower back,Alternate between cat and cow two or three more time.
Forward Fold_Slowly walk your feet toward your hands and step shoulders apart. with a slight bend through your knees , lower the top of your head toward the Ground,belly reaching to thighs and let's your hands dangle down to your toes , Relax your body upper body .try moving your neck around here , exploring how it feels to bend or straighten your knees.
Plank Pose_Drop your knees for less sensation and hold for 3-5 breaths.

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