Saturday, June 27, 2020

Best Way to Make Your Lips Pink Naturally

Coconut Oil : - coconut oil has emollient and moisturizing peoperties . these peoperties can help keep lips soft and supple and prevent them from getting dry and darker , which usually happens with skin dehydration.
What you can do  : - take a little virgin coconut oil your index finger and apply it to your lips.leave it on to dry .you may do this 1-2 time daily
Best Way to Make Your Lips Pink Naturally

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Lemon And Honey  : - Citrus Fruits like lemons are know for their skin lightning properties. when combined with honey , lemon can not only lighten your lips but also help soften them.
What you can do :-Take a teaspoon each of lemon juice and honey . mix well and apply it do your lips.Leave it on for 20 Minutes and rinse with water .you may do this once daily.
Note :- Lemon juice can cause a stinging sensation on your skin . Please do a patch test before trying this remedy.
Best Way to Make Your Lips Pink Naturally
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Aloe Vera : - Aloe Vera Contains aloin, A Compound with Depigmenting properties, This may help fade the pigmentation on your lips.
What You Can Do : - Take half  a teaspoon of freshly extracted Aloe Vera gel and apply it to your lips. Rinse with plain  water . you may do this 2 time daily.
Best Way to Make Your Lips Pink Naturally

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Cucumber Juice : - Cucumber Contains Antioxidants and silica - rich compounds.these compounds may help fade pigmentation and lighten dark skin tone.
What You Can Do :- take a few slices cucumber and grind them. apply the paste to your lips and leave it on for 15 minutes.rinse with may do this 2 time daily.
Best Way to Make Your Lips Pink Naturally

Turmeric : - Curcumin is a major constiturnt of turmeric. this may help inhibit melanogenesis ( the formation of melanin) this , in turn, can lighten your lips.
What You Can Do : - Prepare a thick  paste by mixing a teaspoon of turmeric powder with a little water, apply this paste to your lips and allow it to dry , rinse with water. you can do this once daily. 
Note : - Turmeric can cause an allergic reaction on skin contact in some people. do a patch befo. 

Best Way to Make Your Lips Pink Naturally
                               ( click link)                                                                                                                                                                                              


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